Tuesday, April 16, 2019

How to politely remind clients of their unpaid bills

Businesses have to know how to properly collect debt from their clients. Communications can be a tricky subject, especially for those who aren’t the best when it comes to words and verbal communication. And with a topic as sensitive as debt or credit, caution must be taken so as not to damage the relationship between client and creditor or supplier.
Image source: workflowmax.com

According to the experts at Brennan & Clark LLC, a debt collection agency, one has to be gentle yet stern when it comes to collection calls. If your client is running delinquent, here are polite ways to remind them of their unpaid bills.

The best way out of this situation is to not be there in the first place. If the credit to be paid is rather large, you could send an email a week before the due date to remind the company of their bill. Here, you can also include their various payment options. The more options your company has when it comes to accepting payments, the easier it would be for clients to repay their debt.

Image source: score.org
On the due date, inform your client that the payment has to be made that day. To help them in this situation, it’s always better to add all the details necessary to the message. This includes the invoice number and the date it was sent, the total amount, as well as payment options. You should also end the message with a note soliciting clarifications or further questions.

After the due date has passed and no payments have been received, continue sending collection notices. According to Brennan & Clark LLC, your tone needs to be firm during this stage. You should also attach a copy of the invoice, as it is possible for the invoice to be accidentally lost or deleted, especially if it is a digital one.

A business collections firm based in Villa Park, Illinois,Brennan & Clark LLC has been a leader in the industry for over 30 years. For more reads on commercial debt collection, visit this website.