Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Can business credit improve during a global crisis?

Image source: cabbage.com

Qualifying for creditworthiness is incredibly important for small businesses. The past months have proven to be challenging for business owners, with governments implementing lockdown measures and industries putting a halt to selected operations. Keeping a small business afloat during uncertain times can be a tall order; what more improving its credit rating?

Business credit rating can improve even during a global crisis, notes collections agency Brennan & Clark LLC. Monitoring a business credit profile is something every small business owner must do with diligence. While easy to do and free of charge, many forget to forego this step. Businesses whose owners understand their credit rating are 41% more likely to be granted loans when they apply. Those with good business credit profile comprehension have an increased likelihood of expanding their venture.

Although credit has always been a huge deal, it will become tighter following global crises. Lenders may take a while before they re-enter the market. Consider payment terms from suppliers. These may not be loans, but these influence a small business’s credit and strengthen credit profile. Discount terms from suppliers can help keep paychecks regular even in tough times.

Image source: capitalwithstrategy.com

Brennan & Clark LLC reminds everyone only to use the credit they need for making payments to agreed-upon terms accordingly. The option to borrow as much as one can during challenging times can be tempting. While some fall prey to the temptation, remember that the only good reasons to borrow money are to increase ROI, build business value, and maintain viability.

Brennan & Clark LLC is a business collections agency offering customized receivables support solutions that enable businesses to eliminate credit losses. Its expertise helps companies achieve well-defined goals for their collection process, evaluate all internal procedures, implement improvements, and guarantee better results in collections. Head over to this page to know more about Brennan & Clark LLC.