Thursday, December 26, 2019

Credit, debt, and the responsibility of collections agencies

Small business owners sometimes have a hard time following up their on unpaid invoices. When invoices remain unpaid, a business might suffer. Business owners can allot their time on other tasks instead of following up clients for their late payments by employing the expertise of a debt collections agency.
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Brennan & Clark LLC has been a leader in the industry for more than 30 years. According to the company, as an account matures, the possibilities of it getting paid drops significantly. It may be time for businesses to seek the help of a collections agency when their new client fails to respond to the first invoice letter. Immediate referral to a collections agency can keep potential losses at the lowest cost.

Some clients only pay when they want to. In extreme cases, they don’t pay at all. When payment terms fail, a collections agency can reduce the cost of losses by their quick action. If and when a client denies their responsibility to pay, based on unfounded complaints, business owners better hand over the account to a debt collections agency.

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It would be good for small business owners and freelancers to maintain a signed credit application, document, contract, and order slip with the client’s contact details. This way, if a client refuses to pay, a business can easily transfer the account to a debt collections agency. Working with a debt collections agency requires a business to rely on the agency’s expertise, experience, judgment, and diligence.

Brennan & Clark LLC is a business collections agency offering customized receivables support solutions that enable businesses to eliminate credit losses. For more information, head over to this page.