Friday, January 17, 2020

Keep that credit score up: More money-handling tips for business owners

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Business collections agency Brennan & Clark LLC has been sharing a lot of information on all things surrounding collections, debt, and credit in hopes that business owners everywhere will be well-informed. For today’s blog, the company explores a number of expert financial tips for entrepreneurs in order to keep their credit score up and reduce debt.

One of the rules of thumb for business owners is that they should never spend more than they should – unless it’s for expansion. In any case, especially for startups that have yet to experience solid and consistent cash flow, business owners need to mind their spending habits, Brennan & Clark LLC explains. Far too many businesses fail to pay their dues to creditors simply because they’ve continually spent above their budget.

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For bigger companies that have a huge workforce, Brennan & Clark LLC mentions that employee retention programs can go a long way in saving the company money. It’s long been established that hiring new workers to replace old ones is much more expensive than keeping employees who are already there.

Finally, the simple act of hiring a trustworthy and capable accountant (who can double as a financial advisor to help business owners keep all the spending in check) may be one of the wisest moves business owners can make.

A leader in the industry, Brennan & Clark LLC is a business collections agency based in Villa Park, Illinois, and was founded in 1980. Visit this page for more information about the company.