Monday, October 15, 2018

Why you should opt for a certified collections agency

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A sound and effective collections agency is premised on professionalism. Business owners should all go for one that is certified, as certification is the banner of training, experience, and expertise. After all, collection is a craft that needs to be developed, implemented, and approved with the utmost care.

A certified collections agency is backed by the Commercial Collections Agency of America (CCAA), which guarantees that all members of the collections body are certified and therefore adhere to the strict rules and regulations of the umbrella agency. The CCAA is a nonprofit organization that works for the best interests and goodwill of customers while upholding the integrity of the collections industry.

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Some of the advantages of getting a collections agency approved by the CCAA are prompt remittance of funds to creditors, a minimum surety coverage of $300,000, the maintenance of separate trust accounts for collected funds, and, in general, a better method for attaining maximum dollar recovery.

Moreover, collections agencies under the wing of the CCAA abide by the umbrella organization’s strict codes of ethics, attend its annual seminars and training, will provide the assistance of a legal counsel if necessary, and creditors can directly get in touch with the executive director if complaints arise.

For over 30 years, Brennan & Clark has been aiding businesses in achieving well-defined goals for their collection process, evaluating all internal procedures, and implementing improvements and guarantee better collections results. Brennan & Clark is a proud, certified member of the Commercial Collection Agencies of America. For similar reads, visit this blog.

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