Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A lot of companies struggle with clients who are often late when it comes to making payments. This financial conundrum can effectively ruin a company’s cash flow and cripple operations. Still, it may be hard to believe that some companies find it hard to pay within the date marked on contracts. According to professional debt collectors at Brennan & Clark LLC, there are several reasons why clients fail to make their payments on time.
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One of the biggest reasons why clients become delinquent on their debt is because of multiple debts and prioritization. If a company is currently paying off multiple debts, it could prioritize bigger debts rather than take on all of them at the same time. It’s a well-known repayment strategy that is effective when it comes to eliminating debt. However, if your company is at the end of the pecking order, it might take a while before they get to pay off their debt to your company.

Another reason why clients turn delinquent is the structure of their finance department. Multinational companies, as well as other large corporations, are known for finance and accounting departments having their own processes. This could mean that the payment for your services is still being fulfilled by a department separate from the one you were in contract with.

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The third reason why clients can’t pay on time falls on the company that owes money not having flexible payment options. Some companies only accept checks or bank transfers. According to expert collectors at Brennan & Clark LLC, some clients are more than willing to make cash payments or go through other means of credit transfer just to settle their bill.

Brennan & Clark LLC is a business collections firm with over 30 years of experience. Based in Villa Park, Illinois, the agency was founded in 1980. It maintains membership in the Commercial Collection Agency Association, the National Security of Premium Insurance Auditors, the Insurance Accounting and Systems Association, and the International Association of Commercial Collectors. To know more about the company, visit this website.

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